Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It's a beautiful life...

"A new day; I was waiting for so long for a miracle to come. Everyone told me to be strong; hold on and don't shed a tear. Through the darkness and good times; I knew I'd make it through..." 

-and thus it begins-

 (Oh, yes, we did!)

        Second day of April; we did it - we've left the hospital after fifteen long days.  I've been discharged from the hospital; and we're back in our apartments; our home away from home. I am so happy, I cannot describe.  I am so blessed that my mum and my husband stayed by my side these last few weeks.  I am so lucky to have had a good recovery thus far.  I am so very grateful for all the support, prayers, and love we've been shown.
        I am both nervous and excited for these next few months.  Everything is new; the good and the bad.  There will be many ups: rehab - the strengthening of my body and lungs.  To be actually walking, running, exercising... the excitement of everything being new; and just enjoying life.
        And there will be downs: especially adjusting my body to all the new medications and new lungs... and, wow, there's a lot of medications.  And there's a lot of work; struggle; and pain yet to come.  It's a long road, but as the days go by I know it will get easier; for I will get stronger.
        We shall remain strong; my dearest and I, side by side.  We will remain hopeful knowing so many people are praying; feel loved by our family and friends; lean on each other always.  And I will definately remain stubborn, because that's just who I am.  ;)
         This journey is long; the chapters keep coming and closing.  We've closed so many - Being extremely ill is done; pre-transplant wait is over; lung surgery is done; post-transplant hospital recovery is done - now a new chapter has opened: Healing. <3
        God is good.

 Much love,
        ~Julie Jean

(p.s. I love you, mum. Thank you always.)

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