Thursday, January 2, 2014

Holiday season is over...

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." - Abraham Lincoln

(My cousin, my sisters, and I together on New Year's Eve!)

        The holiday season is over and a new year has begun.  Now what?  I guess it's time for new year's resolutions!  Yes, we all have them.  Yes, many times they are unrealistic and we stop doing them within a month.  However, this year I've really thought hard about what I would like to be sure to accomplish.  There are many things I want to do this year... I have dreams of traveling, learning new skills, pursuing my passions... I hope to be able to grow in friendships, give more, and forgive more.  But this list is a few simple things I know I need to work on to better myself.  Here's my list... yes, it's short, but it means a lot to me.

1)  Exercise.  I've written up a realistic routine and I am determined to stick to it.  I really want to get and keep these lungs in shape!
2)  Write.  I have been told by several people that I need to write a book.  So, I'm going to try.
3)  Relax.  I'm going to sit and look at the stars more. ;) I want to make a conscious effort to try not to worry as much.  I know this will be very very difficult... we'll see what happens. ;)
4)  Don't waste any day.  I know there will be ups and downs, but I am determined to have a fantastic year and appreciate every minute of it. :)
5) Be me.  I need to stop being so insecure and judgmental of myself.

        And that is all.  Everyone's list is different... and that is mine.  That is all for now.  Happy new year, everyone... make it a good one! <3

Much love,
~Julie Jean

p.s.   You know, I realized I hadn't posted anything about mine and Joe's little Christmas traditions.  So here you go... We put up our Christmas tree and wreath the day after Thanksgiving.  So while everyone else is out hustling and bustling on Black Friday, we were enjoying Christmas music and all the joy that Christmas brings. ;)  And after the holidays Joe took all the decorations down on New Years Day.  So, that's how we're going to do it from now on!  I like it.  Here's some pictures of our trees and our wreath.  We have a big tree and then a small Chiefs tree.  We buy a new Chiefs ornament each year! :)


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