Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

"A poem begins with a lump in the throat." - Robert Frost


        This is going to be a short post.  I just wanted to share a poem I wrote this morning with you.  It's  short, but it is full of meaning for me.  I did have a lump in my throat when I wrote it. In a few short words, I feel it expresses what we've been going through these past few months - the loss, the pain, the struggle, learning to find trust and joy in God's plan; and not our own.  Loving life.  It ends with the spirit of resurrection; the promise of God's love...

After darkness, comes the Light;
after death, comes new Life.
In sorrow, we cling to faith;
in the end, we cope;
amid the fear, we hope.
After silence,
we fall to sleep;
only to awake - in His Love.
Finding joy in our plan's division;
we trust, because He is risen.

        Know that God loves you; whether you can feel it at the moment or not. Pray - whether you feel Him with you or not; for He is always there.  I need to remind myself of that many times.  Happy Easter!

Much love,
          ~Julie Jean

p.s. I'll definitely try and blog more often. ;)

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